**edited 9/18 to add...**
holy mother of everything... it's been 3 friggin' days and the skin, despite hugh's assurance that it looks better actually still is crap-a-licious! DELIGHTFUL!
<-- so this is how i am now wearing my hair.
* Appropriate Adoption Dialogue - or, the conversation I did not have with Miss Jodi, aka Eva's new teacher.
Apparently, good adoptive parents chat with the teacher before the school year and discuss the correct way to handle any inquisitive little children type questions about my child's "Chinese-ness" vs. my "Honky-ness".
Now truthfully, this never occurred to me. I figured if some kid said something Eva would answer him and that would be the end of it because let's be real... kids are way more into finger paint and toy kitchens than they are into ethnicity.
Also, aren't teachers smart? I mean, if I were a teacher I wouldn't need a mom telling me to say, "Adoption is a way to be a family". I could probably figure that on my own.
However, I am now obsessing about this so let me know what you think, or if you are also an adopt-y type person, tell me what you did. Teachers?
let me say that nothing has happened... I was just saying that I felt, in case someone had a question, that Eva's teacher would be able to handle it... but I wanted to know if I am the only adoptive parent to take this hands off approach?
* The lasering of my face - honest to goodness I apparently cannot stop f@cking with my face. First the botox, now the laser.
The lasering of the face is the result of years (YEARS!) of a bubble headed mentality which went something like, I-don't-burn-pass-the-factor-4-lotion please. Also, I was a teen in the 80's and I blame that whole decade for a lot of poor choices.
But holy shit - this summer, out of nowhere and seriously, I have worn sunblock religiously for years now, I get this sort of dark area on my forehead. And it is kind of big and I realize that it is not going away and I am wearing concealer daily and every time I turn on the damn TV that Oil of Olay commercial is reminding me that dark spots are what "age a woman most" and yes, I am 38 but I am not dead and do not like looking like an old spotty crone.
So on Friday, after lunch with Shelley, aka Slinky Malinky Skinny Pants, I smear numbing cream all over my face and whoops! Got the upper lip there... and drive to the dermatologist where I voluntarily have the every loving hell zapped out of my face.
And you know this statement, "It's going to look worse before it looks better"? Well that is now known as the understatement of the year because I am terrifying to view. The process has brought up every single future melasma spot... what used to be a slightly different toned area is now super dark and a mess and I look approximately eleventy billion times worse than before. And I will look this way for another 2 or 3 days.
me = ugly.

in case you thought I was exaggerating... hello? bangs maybe?
And Finally -
*Charming and Delightful blogger, Jill, gave me this -

“This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you’ve been awarded please pass it on to 7 others who you feel are deserving of this award."
Which clearly means the check cleared.
No, I jest! See, I'm funny and nice! Should I be worried that Hugh said, "Nice? Hmmm." Oh Hugh, you jest too! We're all funny in the house of Fun and Games.
But, I love Jill ... almost as much as I love her post on "personal massagers".
Seven other bloggers... look for an email.
You'll look so much better in a couple days! Really, I'm not just saying that . . .
I think the teachers are so much worse than the kids when it comes to family/ethnicity. Kids don't care! So how do we protect them from rude and sometimes insensitive comments by others? I don't know, but I feel your pain.
I think you are right not to worry about talking to the teacher. Surely she is equipped to handle any questions.
My SIL had laser on her face about 3 monhs ago and while she was rough to look at for a few days (no offense!) she looked great when it was over.
Oh, honey, it will get better. But seriously, you'd look cute in bangs.
I never had the issue with Charlotte's teachers because 1) they are all of different ethnicities and are completely comfortable with multi-race families, of which there are a few at the school (including Nora's girls), and 2) they knew Char from the get-go because they were Gill's teachers too. They followed my blog while we were in China and the whole adoption process.
So we were lucky that way. But yes, sometimes adults can be lame. You'd think Miss Jodi would know how to manage questions about this.
P.S. - Congrats on your recognition. Well deserved - you ARE a nice person. :)
no, no! nothing has happened... i've edited my post to clarify... :-)
And, Shell? I look LAME in bangs. ;-)
I WAS thinking about laser....ummmm show me what it looks like in a few days...
Kayce - I should tell you that it looks better than it did in that photo (it's been almost 3 full days) but it is still fugly!!
Like you, I wouldn't have thought twice either... Am eager to see what other say about this issue tho.
Update on the laser stuff please. Because I'm dying to know how it turned out. (Because dear lord, what was I thinking all of those years spent in the sun. Oh yeah, I wasn't!)
Ok, what are the result of the great laser adventure? :-) I'm dying to know (not that I would ever take my sun-damaged face in for a treatment, oh no, I couldn't, well maybe, ok I'm running down to the dermo's if it worked for you)
My friend did laser for the same issue and it did wonders. I can't seem to wear enough sunblock - I look like a racoon from wearing sunglasses. Not a pretty site these days. Look forward to reading others teacher suggestions.
I can add no insight into the adoption discussion with Eva's teacher, but I have similar patches on my face... have ever since my first pregnancy, but the "pregnancy" mask never went away. If you figure out how to get rid of it, let me know.Oh, and thanks for the link (and glad you liked that post :-)
Make sure you show us an 'after' shot in a few days and you'll be your stunning self.
Nothin' is forevah..not even fugly (which I pointedly not that you are not).
Her teacher should be able to handle any situations that arise. Her credential requirements included multicultural training, and that should give her some awareness. But, it couldn't hurt to give her a heads-up either.
I've had a couple of photofacials this year. They are not the most pleasant of experiences, and the week or so afterwards always leaves me feeling a bit self-conscience about my appearance. However, the results are worth it. I hope to squeeze another one in before the wedding.
Joannah, I thought so... her teacher seems quite capable in handling any adoption specific questions... thanks for the comment... I am glad to hear from a professional!
I wouldn't worry about the teacher. If she can't figure it out, she shouldn't be teaching.
No bangs. Don't do it, you'll regret it.
You're still pretty...
I'm not laughing at your spotty forehead, only at the "eleventy billion"... I'm so using that.
You get me everytime, laughing OUT loud.
Step away from the stylist. Do not attempt bangs. You'll regret it for a long time.
I have melasma on my forehead too and desperately want it zapped but I'm too afraid to. Please keep me posted, you magnificent whore.
Also? That teacher is crazy. Why in the world would she not be able to handle any questions without your help? That's so crazy.
You know, leopard print is all the rage now. Just tell everyone you like the look so much, it's on your forehead.
Yea! Jenny called me a whore! And a magnificent one at that!
Oh, your cousin It hairdo. Hang in there, it WILL be worth it.
I wanted the full color effect.
Just so you know - all the girls gasped at your leprosy....
Anyway....I LOVE the first day of school pic of EJ. She has grown so much from her early Mao days...
Oh yes - and I presume my nice blogger award is in the mail right...
You'll look fine - you may have to look like "Thing" from the Adams Family for about a Week, but no worries.
As far as the adoption "discussion" with the teacher goes, I think the teacher should've already been "schooled" in this ... sorry, bad pun.
It never crossed my mind to give a teacher the correct answer for how to deal with my sons' classmates' questions about adoption. First, I think even preschoolers understand there are lots of kinds of families. Second, any grown-up should be perfectly well equipped to answer the question should it arise. Don't sweat it.
I have no idea what to say about the whole teacher Jodi/adoption issue. good lawd.
AND I am sure you will look lovely in a few days! Did you see that Sex and the City where Samatha had her face laserd right before Carrie's big book party? FUNNY! Anyway, i am sure you will look awesome here any second now. I am kinda glad that I don't have enough money to worry about such things as peels and what not. :) :) I just have what I have and will live with it, I guess.
I'm sure you'll look fantastic once you're all healed up! In the meantime, the Cousin It look seems to be working for you. ;)
Nice look.
I can sympathize. The little brown spots have started taking up residence on my face this summer. Getting old sucks! I'm too vain for this crap.
Ooh! I went to a dermatologist years ago about my melasma and he said there was nothing to be done. I wear a hat anytime I go outside and wear zinc oxide (aka diaper rash ointment) on my face for my outdoor exercise class. I do everything I can to keep the sun off my face, but it's still blotchy. Show an after photo soon, please!
My friend Mrs. Perfect had her toddler's birthmark removed with lasers. Her little forehead looked pixelated just like yours for a few weeks but now looks as perfect as a Perfect child should.
I've got to do that with my cheeks. Seriously, my left cheek's covered with a large map of South America.
Oh man on the head. I want laser to get rid of...um...hair...and now I have a spot on my freaking cheek!!!
And I have to freaking tell any DR's office the girls are adopted so I can avoid the stupid ass questions. So, I do assume, once school comes into the picture, that I will have to have some stupid, ehem, I mean meaningful/purposeful, conversation about it. I kinda think, that even if there is training done, it isn't awful to gently remind someone. But that is just me.
I totally need my face lasered. Living in FL for 10 years has not been helpful.
When my kids brought in the referral pic I sent something in I found on line--L's teacher I have faith, in, but M's I don't know--the assistant teacher is actually an AP (Russia) but sadly I have been just as shocked by what some APs actually say in front of their kids.
Last year one of M.'s friends broke down in tears to her mom because "M. says her family is buying a baby from Vn, and why would any mommy sell her baby?". So, yeah, you never know what will come up.
M. told me the dance teacher told the class that Susie was adopted from China--don't really know the context but thought I would mention it to the mom.
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