3 seconds after joining the other kids in Miss Jodi's class, she was volunteering to be the "Prayer Helper"...
It is just preschool.
2 days a week.
And I know it's not about me...
It's about her.
And her confidence and her intelligence and her abilities.
And giving her the chance to grow...
It's a little about me.
It is the official end...
I don't have another baby.
This was my last first day of school.
Oh man... tough, huh? I'm so glad she's doing well though and already loving it... plus she's simply beautiful.
She is beautiful! I know how you feel. Today in Publix I felt like crying when I was picking out fruit snacks b/c my almost 8 year old used to love picking out the character ones - Stupid, I know but I keep thinking of the things he'll never want to do again as he is so quickly growing.
Preschool isn't real school. You know that right. It's like a few hour vacation for you. Not real school. Did I fool you?
She looks so freaking adorable.
Oh, I know... it's only 2 days a week (full day - 8:30 to 2:30) but it represents a big change!
congratulations - the first day is a big thing!
and she looks adorable.
You guys, she had so much fun! The teacher(s) loved her.
God she's gorgeous!!!
Oh, man. I know what you mean. I was a sniveling, bawling wreck when the Mack went to school; even though I didn't want any more kids, I almost wished I had another one so the Mack wouldn't be my last.
She's a doll, though. What a beautiful child.
Aw, it's never the same is it? By the way, I love her outfit!
Her sheer joy makes me teary. As does her outfit.
A big change indeed.
My little guy is only two and I teared up on the first day of school around here thinking about his first day. I think I might need help.
Aww...She is beautiful!
Oh, you are so going to cry like a baby when she gradutes from college (it seems like that's really far away,but time just keeps chugging along at a extremely fast pace)!
OOh she's so adoreable. She looks so excited and proud. Gotta love that.
Even tho Seth has a few weeks of kindergarten under his belt, I still get a lump in my throat when he boards the bus and waves at me through the window....
Oh man...that last line bummed me out for a moment there.
Look at that face...that's a picker upper. Glad she's lovin' it.
I am going through the same thing...new beginnings for her and for you!
Oh, and welcome back!
It's a milestone for you for sure Kristin. I don't have any kids and probably never will ... so I never even had that milestone to pass.
Hugs to you today! You deserve some for being such a terrific mom.
Dan, in my island fantasy, there are no schools.
Ooohhh - Know how you feel. Right there with you!
Eva Jun has grown so much. She looks absolutely radiant and like such a big girl. *sorry* :)
"My last first day of school" -- sob! Now you've got me all teary. I can just imagine what a basket case I'll be. Oh man! She looks beautiful, and SO happy.
But Yay! She liked it! That's a pretty great feeling, right?
Wow! She's such a big girl now. I'll bet she hits it off with her teachers.
That's the problem with kids: we're helping them to grow--we WANT them to--but we don't really want them to. We want to freeze them, freeze these moments, because they are so much fun and so precious. But if we could actually do that, of course, we'd never know the joy of watching them grow.
She really does look joyful and full of life. I hope you're taking a lot of dvd footage. That way you can still re-live these moments.
She is so stinkin' cute!
Enjoy the alone time!
Aw. Shedding a little tear for you.
Maybe an end ... but also a beginning, right? She'll do you proud!
I don't know when you changed set designs, but I'm glad that you did; I gave up checking b/c every time I tried my computer locked up; and you know with decorating the new house and returning everything I buy, I just don't have time for that ;) Ahh, but it feels good to be back.
Now, I must cram all of my comments from the previous posts into one...your children are exotically, otherwordly, stunningly beautiful; I will wear the clothes you haven't worn in a year if you don't want them; congratulations to your dad; I've tried to watch Big Love and I feel like I'm on cr*ck b/c nothing makes sense and finally is your daughter mocking you as you're crying in that photo, b/c she looks damn happy to be going.
and one more thing, I'm glad you're back.
Told your mom "looks like she still dressing herself". Glad you're writing agai
Ugh - this is one of my greatest fears. My mom still cries when she thinks of my sis and I going off to school. End of era.
But, Eva looks like a rock star - check out that GRIN!
I think you should post a photo of Eva's school outfit's everyday!
-by the way, I linked here from the Mamarazzi site.
I know I already commented, but I just love this girl! And I loved hearing about her new little "boy friend" at school. :-P heh heh
I'm sending you a big hug, kiddo. It has to be tough.
She's so fricking cute! I can't stand it.
And...with all of that being said, I hope I know what you feel like someday. :)
I don't mean, your skin...although that'd be nice too. ;) I mean, as a parent.
Why the hell did you have to put it that way???
You owe me a little thingy of tissue :)
AUGHGHGH! BUT, think of all the bon-bons and soap opera's in your future now with all kids in school, at least part-time! :) (kidding,I am kidding).
It is definitely a good thing, but there's nothing wrong with you feeling the way you feel about it. It's hard to let go of the little ones, especially the littlest ones. I like to pretend I'll be all stoic and cool when The Boy starts real school, but I'm sure I'll be a blubbery mess! Hope she's still enjoying school as much as she did the first day!!
priceless. Lookit that expression on her face!
Beautiful! And what a great outfit! My seven year old would covet that skirt, I tell you.
And she looks soooo cute too!!
sorry hun.
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