Eva has been nothing less than obsessive these past weeks about wanting to ride a horse and she mentions it as often as possible. I don't know where the idea sprang from but I am putting the blame squarely on the shoulders of, Horseland, a Princesses and Their Ponies coloring book and her girlfriend, Ruby, the blonde horsewoman of Newport Beach.
The desire to ride a horse has found it's way into discussions about breakfast, Target, taking a nap, vacations and dry cleaning. Her segues are uncanny. Being only 4 and on the petite side, I have told her, in my most, I know what I am talking about voice (although I really am just making up rules) that she is too young and you have to be at least 5 to take riding lessons.
This possible fib bought me some time which is good because, as my friend Jenn mentioned, horseback riding is an expensive hobby/sport and it would be more economical to buy her a pair of Nikes and turn her into some sort of runner.
Also, she's 4. 4 year olds change their minds. Often.
However, Ruby's mother, Christy, mentioned to me that Ruby's instructor would be happy to give Eva a lesson as long as she was a good listener... Christy then informed the instructor that Eva was a 20 year old trapped in a small body and so yesterday.... look what happened...
The desire to ride a horse has found it's way into discussions about breakfast, Target, taking a nap, vacations and dry cleaning. Her segues are uncanny. Being only 4 and on the petite side, I have told her, in my most, I know what I am talking about voice (although I really am just making up rules) that she is too young and you have to be at least 5 to take riding lessons.
This possible fib bought me some time which is good because, as my friend Jenn mentioned, horseback riding is an expensive hobby/sport and it would be more economical to buy her a pair of Nikes and turn her into some sort of runner.
Also, she's 4. 4 year olds change their minds. Often.
However, Ruby's mother, Christy, mentioned to me that Ruby's instructor would be happy to give Eva a lesson as long as she was a good listener... Christy then informed the instructor that Eva was a 20 year old trapped in a small body and so yesterday.... look what happened...

Out on the trail (on Rusty - or Wusty as pronounced by Eva) with Ruby (on Laddie)
Stacy, the trainer, introduced Eva to a smallish pony and they spent some time grooming him before saddling him up... once a helmet wee enough to fit my girl's pea head was located, Eva was handed the reins and allowed to lead Wusty the Wonder Pony out to the ring... she walked herself up a short flight of stairs, was helped on to the saddle and that was it.
She sat straight and tall, listened to every direction Stacy gave her, and, promptly shooed me out the gate so that she could get down to the serious business of riding.
Wow! To the saddle born or something along those lines... she walked and trotted and went over some sort of little obstacles called cavalettis
One hour later I found myself scheduling a weekly lesson.
So much for 5.
You have my sympathy. We've been paying for Grace to take weekly private lessons for almost four years. She loves horses more now than ever, so there's no end in sight.
Crap! I'm counting on her outgrowing the love of all things equine before I need to throw down for show gear...
My guess is that she'll be asking for her own pony before summer's up.
Cha-ching. :)
What cute girls!
As a former child with a major addiction to horses and all things remotely horsey -- thank you.
My parents once paid a monthly fee for me to "rent" a horse. (After I had graduated from every riding class possible.) Renting meant I rode my bike out to the stables and was responsible for feeding, grooming, mucking out the stall -- everything. I did tons of work for that ranch and my parents paid them to let me do it. As an adult, I look back at that and think it's the most backwards thing I've ever heard of. But as a kid, it was my best summer. And my parents never questioned it (in front of me anyway). I think I'll call my mom and say thank you.
don't come over here talking horses around my kids- they are convinced 5 is the magic number and i am sticking with it! as a former child rider/horse show performer, best of luck to your checkbook! does she know tutus are not part of the riding attire? that may sway her decision....
Oh, I better not let Katie see these photos.
Nicki - I think she'll be swayed by the fancy show ensembles... do you think I should start combing Craigslist now?
Uh Oh! Once you ar bitten by the horse bug, there's no going back. I was a "stable" person from the ages of 12 to 27 (as opposed to the unstable one I am now:) and it was one of the best times of my life. It is quite expensive though(if you own your own horse). That's the only reason I gave it up. She looks like a pro on that pony. Good luck!
Oh just like my baby!! Have fun :) hee hee
And so it begins! Look at it this way--it'll keep her off the streets;-)
Money schmoney!!!
Eva on a horse truly is priceless
OMG! Toooooo adorable!
Oh my gosh. Cuteness overload!
When I was 3, I was bitten by a horse (I was feeding it an apple or sugar cube and it nibbled my finger a little). I've had bad experiences with horses ever since.
It might be expensive, but she has a face that's worth it!
Too cute, though I don't envy the expenses coming your way. On the bright side, it'll cost me nothing to enjoy the pics sure to come our way!
I'm never letting my daughter see what a real horse looks like. My Little Ponies are too small to ride. My wallet thanks me.
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