Exhibit 1

Yours Truly

Exhibit 2
Blog reader and occasional commenter, but steadfast refuser of actual blogging, Marisa, emailed me the above photos of Blythe dolls.
She knows I am a big fan of these dollies and their pink hair, changeable eyes and kick ass fashion sense, and that, despite the historical significance of American Girls with their morals and movies and tea parties, EvaJun will be getting a Blythe on her 5th birthday... (probably 2 so that we don't have to share.)
Marisa has 5. And a small one for her cellphone. Marisa is a greedy beeyotch lucky ducky.
And she thinks the the cellphone one looks like me.
If the cellphone dolly was, you know, oldish.
While Barbie would probably be my first choice under Dolls-I-Want-To-Look-Like, preferably one of the ones in Armani or Carolina Herrera, I guess Blythe is better than Cabbage Patch.
Oh how funny that we both blogged about dolls today!
I personally resemble a brown haired Cabbage Patch.
look at how pretty you are Kristin! first time i think i've seen ya.
how is it that I've never even heard of these dolls? How big are they? If they are bigger than Polly Pockets then count me in. I keep finding those little Polly shoes all over the place and mistaking them for some kind of bug infestation. It's disturbing.
Jen - great minds and all that jazz... and you do not!
FB - Thank you! Now, if only I could come up with some good post titles...
Jennie - Yes! They are indeed bigger than that friggin' Polly Pocket!
I told you so!!!
Blythe is definitely better than Cabbage Patch.
Barbie is overrated... and much too plastic. You're way hotter than her any day.
No. You don't look like that doll. You are pretty. Those dolls, on the other hand, are going to give me nightmares. I can't think of the artist's name, but they remind me of the paintings that picture big eyed girls with blood running from their eyes. Totally creepy.
Okay, I'm totally going to start watching Burn Notice. It looks so good. The dolls are freakin me out. I'm afraid of dolls. I can't come back til there is a new post above this one. Your way prettier than the dolls :)
I disagree, Blytes are darling!
However, I suppose I can see where some people find them spooky, but they are really so precious!
Or even better than Garbage Pail Kids (remember those)?
Marisa - I see it, sadly, I do...
Amy - Which is worse, Cabbage Patch or Bratz?!
Maggie - Keane? VC Andrews book covers?
Daniella - I'm ok with dolls, but absolutely NO CLOWNS!
Stephanie - OMG - they were so gross!
i have never heard of these, not sure i am a fan yet, i think i need to see one in person.... but your picture is good!
I see the resemblance. In a good way!
Purdy dollie ...in a very "Chucky" kind of way.
Actually kind of scared now to go to lunch.
At least you don't look like a Bratz doll; that would be problematic.
I see the resemblance -- but you're much prettier, and much less scary! It's the eyes. Really.
Catching up on a few posts here...
Facebook, LOLOL...my sister talked me into signing up recently, and a few old friends have found me...including a couple that we got to be friends with on our honeymoon (in Tahiti, they are from AU!)
But, I was rolling, because I totally look up old "friends" ...
As for dolls, well, I saw the American Girl movie, and truly, it was one of the best movies I have seen in a while...recommending it to both sexes of all ages...I really enjoyed it.
Daisy - Unless I am PMS-ing.. then I'm wayyy scarier than those dolls!
HSH - I'm taking Eva to Kit Kitteridge tomorrow night... she can't wait!
Mark Ryden. That's whose paintings they remind me of. Keane would have been a much more pleasant comparison.
Whatever the case, you ARE a doll.
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