Guo Wan Jun, October 2004
Jake, if the phone rings while I am out checking my email, please answer it. No problem, Mom.
Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring...
oops... not nice... reassure Jakey... I'm sorry I was loud, I am just on pins and needles...
Finally check voicemail
Hi, this is Mike from Holt (our adoption agency). I have your referral...
Me: AH! It was THE CALL. We missed THE CALL!
commence sobbing
Dial Hugh. We have a baby! Come home! No, wait... let me call him back and then I'll call you back and then I'll throw up. Come home! No! Wait! (3 way call? never entered our minds)
Call Mike
You have a daughter. Her name is Guo Wan Jun and she is in Guixi, Jiangxi, China. She was born on December 3, 2003 and according to Susie (director of the China program) she is very beautiful* and according to her paperwork she is extremely obstinate.*
Photos and paperwork to arrive Tuesday.
More sobbing.
Jake and Jack sitting next to me on the couch. Pie eyed. My dad, sitting across from me, grinning like a maniac... pulling out his cell and calling everyone he knows.
Call Hugh. Come home, I say...it is very hard for me to form actual words so just come home.
Ring Ring Ring
Hello? Hello again, Mike... what's that? Really? Wow... thanks. I'll call right now.
Susie, hi it's Kristin... Mike said you told him that you would fax me my daughter's information tonight... so, if you get this message in time, our fax number is...
Hugh home... Tsing Tao beer and lucky red flowers... out for Chinese... tell everyone in restaurant about our newest child... keep crying... keep congratulating each other and the children.
After dinner... should we go and check if a fax came? What the hell. Hugh runs inside his office... gone awhile... comes out... with 43 pages behind his back... including photos.
More crying.
Much photo analyzing.
More calls.
Indescribable joy.

EvaJun, October 2006
* Both beautiful and obstinate... as we have come to know!
Thank you for sharing. I can remember our day very vividly. One of my favorite things to do is read the things the nannie thought about her in China. They were right on the money.
She looks just the same! AW!! I'm happy that your lives were put together--I love happy endings.
She's beautiful!
(grin) - can't wait to have this same memory for our Miss Ruby.
What a beauty! I love the story.
That was beautiful. I can't wait to have a similar call.
OMG Kristin - Where heck hve have I been? I had no idea you were even 'waiting' or 'in process' or 'LID'.
Well, damn. Congrats!!!!
What incredible news! Now we'll really have to celebrate.
You missed nothing... this is our referral anniversary (for lack of a better word)... this conversation happened 2 years ago!
Trust me, 3 children are all I can handle without serious medical intervention.
And shes gorgeous and perfect :) You must have been over the moon, what memories! ... what a perfect fit she was for you too!
Okay - Brain fart on my part. And probably still recovering from a little too much fun last night. :)
Of course. Didn't even connect Eva's middle name. Just immediately thought you had another referral from the same orphanage.
Oh-righty then ...happy anniversary.
absolutely gorgeous.
BTW - Your Eva has grown into such a beautiful girl. Love her grin.
Wow! I love that post. What an incredible experience....and they had the 'beautiful' part pegged. Of course, sounds like you have also confirmed that 'obstinate' applies as well. ;0)
Congratulations! That's a sweet story.
She's gorgeous. What a lucky family you are to have each other.
Happeeeee!!! Happeeee Anniversary!! Congrats & huge smiles & hugs!! What sweet memories of the beginning of your lives with your wonderful girl! XOXO
Oh happy anniversary EvaJun. What a cutie pie. Never forget those shaky tear filled moments of Those Calls.
She is beautiful...and so is your story.
Happy Referral Day Anniversary! And yes, she is quite beautiful.
Congratulations!! What a great day that is!
The thrilling, hazy fog of a new baby! You captured that wonderfully and you had me on pins and needles! Eva is gorgeous.
What a cutie!
I can still remember the tingles I got the day we figured out we were adopting our boys. Your post brought back the excitement of that day.
What a beautiful Guixi girl! I think I have you beat on receiving "the call", I was in a public restroom! www.linktolia.blogspot.com
Kristin- that's a beautiful account of your first moments with Eva in your life.
And she really is just gorgeous. That smile... it's going to break about a thousand hearts starting in about 10 years!
What a beautiful story. Nice to read about such a happy moment.
My wife and I had sort of figured we were done adopting, but maybe after this post we should reconsider. You did a nice job conveying those emotions.
This just brings tears to my eyes!!! I can only imagine how incredible this will be.... ::sigh::
You are so blessed!
I remember I was one of the people you called sobbing. I was at the dog park walking the dumb labs and a call came in. I started to sob too and the dogs looked wierdly at me. I was sobbing with you mostly for the joy that was finally something concrete - in the form of a real person, but I was also crying with relief that your wait was over .... because you hate to wait for things and this part of the procedure was so hard on you.
It's funny though, I agree with Nicki, I don't remember life without her. That pic is her Mao-face. I want to squeeze those lips!
See what happens when I take a break from blogging...I miss so much. She's GORGEOUS!!!! Congrats!!!!! WHOOOHOOOO. The story is great..something that would happen to us, missing the call. It won't be long now!!
She is beautiful. I am in awe of you and hugh!!
What a beautiful story. Poor Jake, you probably scared the shit out of him. Ha, what was he 7 then. Such cute pictures of EvaJun.
Tears, tears. Like Linda, I remeber the day this "Auntie" heard that Lila would be joining our "family".
What a milestone, for all of you.
Love the picture of that beautiful and obstinate little girl!
Thanks for giving us a glimpse of what it might be like for those of us still waiting when we finally get the call...although if the waiting gets any longer my hearing may start to fail, so I hope that a) I can still hear the phone ringing and b) I will be able to get my walker in gear so I can get to it before it stops.;)
Thanks for sharing, Eva is simply stunning.
She is one lucky and adorable doll!! You can certainly tell she's one happy well adjusted little girl. I always think to adopt is magical 'cause you really go "way out of your way" to prove your love.
They were certainly right....Eva is BEAUTIFUL!! Happy referral anniversary!
There's a line from "Miss Spider", where she says that "every mother ends up with the baby she's supposed to have". I think that in yours (and Eva's) case, it's certainly true. Could she be any cuter???
Wow, I am teary-eyed. What a beautiful daughter you have. You are both so lucky to have each other!
That story was something I needed - thank you (I hate Mondays, but it cheered me up)!
What a fantastic story! You can really see the obstinance in that first photo! "I won't smile and don't you tell me to!". And she's soooo beautiful. A lovely smile.
So, so, so beautiful. I have chills.
She is so darling I can hardly take it.
Beautiful and obstinate, is there any other way? :)
Thanks for sharing that story. She is gorgeous.
She is precious! COngrats on the anniversary.
I love that story. It totally makes you smile thinking about how happy you all must have been. I agree- such a beautiful little girl!
How sweet! What a special miracle.
YYYYAAAAYYYYYYY!!!! Beautiful. I'm living vicariously. :)))
Awwww! Isn't referral day the best. So surreal.
Happy anniversary!
That was amazing.
And Tori's comment was so sweet.
i missed this post, she is so beautiful and you captured your emotions from the past so amazingly, i wanted to cry in joy with you! :)
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