According to one of my girlfriends, those of you who read and post on this blog are not who you say you are: you are Folsom State Prison inmates who have been granted Internet access time...
I congratulate your jailbird web savvy... you sure fooled me! What with the photoshopped snaps of your "families" and your "homes". And those posts on your lives and your jobs and your worries and your joys... to think they are all bogus!
Does anyone have a good link for me to refer to when the tiresome question of "safety" comes up?
Thanks to Northern Stargirl for mentioning it and to Mary-Mia for knowing where to find it...
Here is a well written and thoughtful post on the issue of privacy and safety in blog-world.
My extended family has expressed similar concerns. I think in this day and age it is normal to be a bit paranoid, but, there are so many blogs out there that there is "safety in numbers".
I do remember reading a post on a blog (I can't remember whose) about hiding in plain site. Like trying to find a certain stone on a beach full of rocks.
It is easy to get worried in this day and age, but any weirdo/pervert could be living right in your own neigborhood or shop in the same supermarket as you. We can't all live in a protective bubble.
Anyway, do you really think that an inmate really cares about my adoption plans or knitting projects? I think not!
The blog post Northern Stargirl was talking about is on Double Happiness, it's in the archives about a month or two ago I guess.
I'm with Stephanie...I don't think my little blogged existance is really that interesting to your average (or above average, for that matter) inmate. All in all I say the benefit to risk ratio of blogging is pretty good. Allthough, now that you mention it I have seen some pageloads for my blog from Folsom. I only live about 30 minutes from the Prison!
Lets be brave. We must continue spewing our guts for everyone to see!
Not writing this from Sing-Sing or anything, just so you know :)
Your last link on that post is messed up, by the way.
I agree with the privacy issue. Too many people are willing to give it up. I don't. Of course, my blog is about music, so it doesn't have much to do with me, though I do write personal blogs from time to time.
My youngest sister, though, is completely clueless about keeping things private. She's on the myspace thing, and everything about her is listed (where she works, where she goes to school, and she'll give out her phone number to just about anybody who asks.) I keep telling her that she's just asking for trouble, but she just looks at me like I don't know what I'm talking about.
Thanks, J.D.,
I fixed the link!
Wow. Creepy. you really got me to thinking.
I'm going back to making license plates now....
Color me confused. Hope you're okay though!
I hear yah. I've been a bit worried about mine, too. But, oh well. It's out there now! Thanks for checking my blog out. I love yours! :)
I think about the safety thing. I think long and hard before posting photos of the kids, but all in all, I think its pretty safe. I suspect as they all get older I'll post less photos.
My opinion is that you are totally safe. You can't hide from the weirdos out there, and even if innmates were checking out your site, and I believe they have very strict censored internet access, it wouldn't really mean anything.
More people are harmed by people who claim to love them than total strangers.
I like this post though, as it is a good topic to bring up and remind us to pay attention to just how much information we put out there.
Kristin---go here to see where you should live.....I know this has nothign to do with your post...sorry...hahahaha---Lisa
Kristin....I promise you I'm not one of them. I live in a small town in Missouri, have five kids (two mine three his) three grandkids and one cat. Sorry I should be more serious....try not to worry about it. you can always password protect your blog if you get freaked out in any way so only the friendlies can read it.
Just thought I would quickly clarify that I am, indeed, v. comfortable with sharing a portion of my life, and the life of my family on the internet... I don't think we run any greater chance of running into problems by being "out here" than we do being anywhere else in the world.
I wish that blogging had been a part of my life when I was going through the paperchase and the wait for Eva... it would have been wonderful to have the support that I sense many of you adoptive families have found...
& let me tell you... if I were any kind of recognized, jailed, inmate, the last type of website I would be after would be a Mommy-Blog...
I would be on "Girls Gone Wild" or "Do-It-Yourself-Law"/
Chuckle, snort, laugh! Funny!
I have worried also. I just don't like the idea that some creep could be looking at pictures of my kids. However some creep could be looking at my kids at the mall and I wouldn't know it.
I worry about this frm time to time...but then I still post pictures of my kids and stuff!
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