The shopping for the house has begun! Things like tankless water heaters and 30 year roofs are topics best left to Hugh... I find them so mind numbing that I will say "yes" to anything just to make the conversation stop and I am pretty sure that Hugh will be mighty pissed to come home and find out that my laziness led to the blithe acceptance of a hundred thousand dollar copper roof... thankfully our roofer is one of our best friends and would never let me pull such a stunt...
Here is the living room now:

Please don't judge us on the faded carpet or the crooked lamp... we are faded and crooked people and so they have served us well.
Here are some possible new living room paint colors:

French Blue


Please weigh in with your opinion... keep in mind this room does not get a lot of sun... this is the website to these paints... they are very, very cool. I am feeling Plantation...
Ooooh... and look what we'll be watching The OC and Globe Trekker on now:

& this is what it will be sitting in:

We still need to hustle up some sofas and chairs and stuff... but hey, the TV is checked off!
And here is the light for the childrens' hallway... which is way better than what is there now...
One of these is might be our new bed. Storage! Good looking! Pottery Barn! NOT expensive! Yea budget! Yea budget?

And this is what we are thinking of for Eva... she is just about ready to make the move to a "big girl" bed.
It costs more than either of the beds we are looking at for ourselves... figures.

Let's not forget the back yard... take a gander at this
Unfortunately, I was distracted by these:

and I had to stop shopping because I bought them. And now we are poor. Shoes that are for evening wear, shoes that have some sparkle, shoes that I will have to wear to places like Target and Starbucks to get any use out of them... I am ashamed. But, you have to admit, they are excellent.
Today the contractor comes down to coordinate a timeline, Monday the guys come to hack the bougenvilla back (personally, I am a little worried about the troll family we may disturb when we prune, but, it has to be done...), and, let's not forget these folks... they'll be here on Tuesday to help organize each and every room and even the garage...which has me so excited I can only conclude that I am a geek.
Our wish list is 3 pages long. There are fun things on it like, "outdoor shower" and dull as dirt things like, "new trash can area"... guess which ones I think are the priority?
Hugh and I have had exactly 4 arguments about the house already... and so we have had to lay some ground rules... his rule is not responding to every single suggestion I make with, "as long as it fits in the budget" and my rule is a solemn vow not to stab him in his sleep when he fucks up and asks me about the budget.
Why is the date shown the day a post is first started and not the date it is published? Can I change this, or, does this just so not matter??
I love your choices - especially those shoes! What size do you wear? Just kidding... Plantation is very similiar to what's on the walls of my living room, and I love it.
Love the Shoes. I got distracted looking at all of the great furniture. Boy you are going to have a great little pad when you are done. I would go for plantation, it is the most neutral of the 3, easier to assesorize.
I like the bed you have picked for Eva. Fit for a Diva! I think I like the French Blue color best.
OOOOOH! I can't wait to see the before and after shots! I am addicted to HGTV so always love seeing what others do in their own homes. I really like all the color choices. If you are leaning toward Plantion, then I say "go for it!"
I love the shoes! Do they fit in your budget? ;-0
I love both plantation and Villa. And I love, love, love that bed! It would go great in my own bedroom. If only we were in the market for a new bedroom set. No, the only thing we are in the market for right now is an adoption:)!
I think not stabbing Hugh's eyes out is a good rule.
Kristin-Thanks for visiting my blog. Yes, I think you may have missed something a while back, because Lisa and Scott are indeed adopting another little girl from China. In fact, if all goes well(with a ton of prayers and ALL my fingers crossed), we will be travelling together. They are requesting a child closer to Gracie's age this time, so it remains to be seen if this will all work out. Either way it means I get to be an Aunt again, so I'm thrilled about that!
Oooo, tankless water heaters and the bling bling shoes are to die for! Am very jealous...
(To change the post dates/times, go into the post and click on "Post and Comment Options" at the bottom of your post. You can do it right before you publish or at any time when you go in to edit an old post.)
I dig 'plantation' so very much. I am feeling your vibe here and I love it. And the shoes...fabulous.
I like your living room now, but I like Villa, too. That backyard was the coolest! (Do people still say that? Adults, I mean!)
Hey Mary-Mia,
Thanks for the advice...for whatever reason, the whole date/time stamp thing was bugging the heck outta me!
Love the furniture for the new Digs!!! Can't wait to see the before and after pictures!!! Oh, I need a new bed... Maybe I should be checking the bargain prices at POTTERY BARN???? PB has bargain prices???
As a man of the male gender, I will not do you the injustice of subjecting you to whatever misguided fashion advice I may have, since the decor in my beautiful townhouse consists of Transformers toys and movie posters, accentuated by the random CD or DVD case.
However, I must applaud your choice of the most pivotal furnishing--the TV. Nothing else really matters, now does it?
Remember to let me know about any electronic needs you may have so I can feel usefull and put in my 2 4 and 6 cents. Besides I'm apparently a "5g" customer according to Best Buys tracking system......... I really hope that doesn't refer to how much I spend in there.
The shoes are to die for girl! Wow...I can totally see how you got distracted by THOSE! Love your new ideas for the redecorate but your place is really really charming as is. But I totally understand the need for change.
I would be honored to be on your bloglist...thanks for asking!
I just added you to mine.
Thanky, thanky.
Hi Lisa,
Listen, those beds? Totally on sale!
Gorgeous choices! I love them all, esp. the shoes!! hehe I'm leaning towards Plantation or Villa for the paint colors if the room doesn't get much sun. Sounds like you are having some serious fun and please post pix after the closet people do their thing. I'm totally envious of you getting that done!!
I'm so jealous because I love, love ,love all of your new things!! I agree with you about the Plantation color, it's really nice!
Huuuuuuuh, after the adoption, maybe, just maybe, we'll go back to having $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ again! Then will you help me decorate?!
I vote for Plantation. Even the word sounds cool, perhaps you will opt for a pineapple on the coffee table?
The shoes? Oh I am jealous. Those are seriously NOT mama kicks. Sexy.
I'm diggin' the Plantation color - soothing and easy to work with....can I come over to crash in your new pad when its done avec a good bottle of Sauvignon Blanc? :)
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