One half hour later you hear the buzzer, ignore it, and go about your business, eventually pulling out the now dried for almost 2 hours clothing.
You go about folding shirts and underwear and socks and jean
s when you feel something lumpy in the pocket of your son's shorts. Assuming it's a pack of gum, you sigh and gingerly reach in to tease out what you are sure is a sticky mess... only it's not a sticky mess, it is, instead, your husband's iPod.
Oh, crap.
Well, great... there goes another hundred bucks... (insert hand wringing here).
After an, ahem, lively discussion, with said child about empty
ing his damn pockets, said child asks to see victimized iPod.
You hand it over and dramatically exit the living room.
5 minutes later...
Mom, hey! It still works! (insert oohing and ahhing here)
Not only has this little gizmo revolutionized the way the world listens to music, but also can withstand a full wash and 2 dryer cycles.
It's the Messiah of Electronics.

That is some helpful information, should I ever wash my iPod. I love those things, I think my husband is addicted to them, we have 5 iPods and 2 iPhones between the two of us. Obsessed much?
Sadly, the iPhone bluetooth does not fare as well in "rinse and spin" as the iPod. It's okay though because it didn't work much better before it was washed.
Beckey - While we are still iPhone free, we are currently running at 6 ipods for a 5 person household... we can relate.
Shelley - You and this "hands free" thing isn't really working...
I hope we never wash an iPod but in my household, I wouldn't put it past any of us. Ahem.
right after Jeebus turned the water into wine, he fixes iPods
I too laundered Wyatt's iPod a week ago and was in awe of it's Lazarus-like recovery. I'm pretty sure my Sony Walkman circa 1981 would not have fared as well!
I am so not looking forward to the day when my boys start carrying things around in their pockets. Hubbz is bad enough with his Kleenexes and Lactaid pills. But, the rule in this house is whoever is doing laundry gets to keep any money she finds, so it's not all bad. I did however, find a Pull Up in my washing machine as I was moving clothes from washer to dryer this morning. I guess that's what happens when your 3 year old decides to start dressing himself in the morning. At least he knows to put his pajamas in the hamper after he takes them off, and I am pretty sure it was a dry Pull Up, so I'm not too skeeved out by it. Happy for your iPod!!
Amy - it's good to be prepared!
Furious - He raises them from the dead...
Jen - I dropped my CD walkman in the sand, that was it... game over.
Jill - as long as it was only #1...
It is a miracle! You might want to have the Vatican verify it and then maybe you can get sainthood status or something.
I can't believe it survived!
I did the same thing to my husband's Blackberry while on vacation. Needless to say, i didn't have the same luck you did. His workplace had to overnight a new one because....well, heaven forbid he went without it for a day or two *LOL*
Until I read the other comments I was going to say maybe you have crappy laundry equipment, but wow!
My Verizon contract is up July 30 and yeah baby I am getting me an iPhone. I have been obsessed but too poor since the 1st launch. I could give days, hours and minutes, but that would just be sad . . . .
HA!! I can not tell you how many times I've washed my husbands wallet. None of his credit cards work, they're all bent and cracked and his sscard is in a million pieces. I think if I ever washed the ipod I might loose my job. wait that might not be that bad to loose my laundry job. ummmmm
And on the last day, God created the iPod and deemed it good.
Things that have made it through our laundry:
1. Ipod (several times)
2. Nintendo DS games
3. Nokia phone.
Not proud, but true stories.
We don't have any IPODS in this family. Yet. I hear they are cool. And obviously a device that can miracously resurrect itself. Sweet.
I have washed lots and lots of tubes of Chapstick though. It does okay going through the washer, but if you put it through the dryer you're a goner. Damn chapped lips living in the high desert!
Wow. Now, I really feel behind the times. Not only do I not have an ipod but my sony discman certainly wouldn't survive in the wash.
that is SUPER - and it must smell so Downy fresh now :)
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