Seriously, the children and I... we totally suck.
Today, we are tired. Apparently that whole beach-tan-swim routine has worn us out and we just need to rest.
We've been avoiding rocks in shallow water...
We've been on a surfin' safari...
We've also had a sassy haircut...

And all these things can take it out of a person... especially when one of those people is suddenly 37 and taking photos of herself on her birthday.
A certain 9 year old was peeved that I didn't include a photo of him surfing but instead had opted for the swinging-over-the-water-shot... and so, in the interest of family harmony, I give you the following evidence of my oldest child on a short board (they made the switch from long to short just this summer)...
Older and blonder... to cover the gray.
Also in black and white to hide the wrinkles.
***Also in black and white to hide the wrinkles.
A certain 9 year old was peeved that I didn't include a photo of him surfing but instead had opted for the swinging-over-the-water-shot... and so, in the interest of family harmony, I give you the following evidence of my oldest child on a short board (they made the switch from long to short just this summer)...
Wow, looks like there's lots of fun being had over your way!
Yeah, black and white is so much more flattering. Wish it would come back into fashion.
Looks like fun. But the worrywart in me is still hoping your son didn't let go and jump into the water. It looks too shallow... I'm all worried over here!
As for the surfing son (couldn't tell which one that is) holy impressed Batman!
Eva is as cute as ever.
And so are you.
Have fun on the rest of your vacation!
I have a feeling that even in color there are hardly any wrinkles on that pretty face of yours! Looks to me like you guys are have a wonderful time. Good for you!
The worst part about vacation, is that it has to end.
Happy Birthday!!
How awesome - and you look great. BW or not.
lucky lucky lukcy! =o) Your look great, Hawaii agrees with you....but hey who wouldn't it agree with? lol
Happy Birthday you gorgeous vacationing Hawaiian Babe you!
Happy awesome Hawaiian birthday!
Awesome pictures. This vacation thing that you speak of sounds like it would be fun.
You look great!
Could you come and get me????
I want to see if that's contageous LOL
Hah!!! I got the same flower in my hair on my blog.
You look fab as a blonde and a brunette! What on earth has vacation done to you??? You look relaxed, refreshed, and like you have been having tons of fun. Nobody at home is going to recognize the family....i. am.completely.jealous.
aww these pics are great! you look fabulous!
B&W is the only way to go. And I am loving the flower..... work it...
Hey - I'm back from Argentina! Two weeks of bliss.
I'm all caught up on your blogs. I missed you!
Beautiful pics!! Happy Birthday too!
Happy Birthday, Eva! Enjoy the rest of your vacation. Looks like you're all having a blast.
:) Vacation withdraw sucks!
Awesome pictures. You are gorgeous black and white and blonde.
Looks so fun, and i had a similar sassy haircut, but i honestly don't think i pulled it off as well. Sass-ay!
I love the surfin pics!! When we went to Hawaii, I was supposed to take lessons but I was too embarassed to do it with a bunch of kids. Now I wish I had done it!
Ok ok enough with you already....
Whose birthday is it today?
That would be me me me me me me me me me....
Who is it again?
I wish you were here K.
Surgery in two days...
(Think I might run away to Wyoming...)
have updated blog too..)
Kids all say hi!
By the way... you look fab in the pic. It is similar to other pic I have of you some four years Island Goddess....
Also we are pretty impressed by Jake's surfing...
Ok so now I am even more impressed because I see that it is Jack surfing the first time and Jake the second! THey are truly brilliant Kristin. They have come such a long way.
How's your surfing babe.... on a short board yet? I suppose it's hard to actually stand up when you are wrapped in bandages though...
You and me.... we stick to surfing the web....
The Nail ladies say hi and "whe yor friend?"
Samantha said hi. Saw her before I went to East Coast...
Why can't I read Kevin Charnass? He's gone to nothing... is he remodelling?
Coming home is hard work. And it sucks ass....I'd love to be nicer about it, but I can't. I'm still not over my back to work after vacation blues.
Anyway....the pictures rock. I love that they can surf. I can't wait to teach the girls. Love, love Eva's new do.
you look GORGEOUS! LOVE YOU!!!!!!! and still missed your fine ass at blogher!
vacation rules! you guys are doing it right! ENJOY IT!
Happy Birthday! Still green with envy. Will later beg and plead for "travelling to Hawaii for honeymoon next summer" advice.
Are you sure you and your family aren't Hawaiian at heart? Or maybe I missed something .... You guys are so natural at it. Like you should always be on vacation with a flower in your hair.
Man, I can see why you wouldn't want to leave or blog for that matter. Are we all invited to join you next year?
fantastic kristin *hugs* you look great and the kids are all so cute and talented too !!
im wildly jealous ughh
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You look gorgeous!
And Eva definitely does have some sass goin' on. Yay her!
Your boys totally rock the waves. I'm jealous. I cannot imagine being agile enough to master the board.
So jealous...I want a month vacation damn it!
You are gorgeous and your children can surf... I bow down before you.
First, the haircut is sooo cute! Gah!
Second, look at your boys go. Surfing like pros!
Third, hey beautiful lady. Rwaaawrrr. You're 37? You don't look a day over 29. Happy birthday!
oh man, they look like pro surfers! and you look beautiful in your picture :)
Vacations are.... good stuff.
Yeay for your kiddo. Looks VERY COOL surfin. And you look FAB! And your little girl is so adoreable!
Happy Birthday!
Great to see pics.... What great surfer dudes the boys are!!! Eva sassy hair adorable... and YOU....Happy birthday....You look maaaavoulas!!!!
Happy B-Day! You look bee-u-tiful darling.
When the hell are you baaaaack anyway??
Happy Birthday Blondie! No way not 37 I would say you like more like 27! Enjoy!
You all really know how to vacation. East coast beaches just aren't the same as what you have out there. I think it's funny when people think they are surfing here (Maryland) and then look at the waves you have there.
Happy Birthday in Black and White. The short board pic is so cool, he's really getting into it. Soon he'll be takin' out the JetSki and onto the big stuff! Woo Hoo!!!
Happy Birthday! I wish I could surf. Totally a skill that I don't have! I know I'd stay up on the board though...I'm too afraid of sharks to fall down!
Luv these photos! Your kids are really cute and you are so pretty. Like everyone else, I wish I could surf!
Nice...*big sigh*
So, so glad that you are having such a great time. Wow, that really did go fast with Hugh, huh? It really seems like just a couple of days ago that you were getting wrapped in plastic and duct tape (which Will and I both HOWLED over, by the way) and dancing to something crazy in order to prepare for his arrival.
Great pics! And that one of Eva?? She is so damn cute...and yes, sassy.
And you? It made my heart feel warm to see your face, my friend.
oh my god and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
you are soo much older than me.
Man, can I come with you guys next time?? How cute are you and that little haircut, OMG what a face.
I too am addicted to vacation. And mine was only 1.5 days long, can you even imagine???
I looooove Eva's new haircut, the boys are super gnarly *dude*, and you look fab! I was thinking that your mom was using the "1 friend per age" rule at your party because you said that you had 37 guests, but I couldn't remember. You look great though, and a wrinkle? p-shaw!
Enjoy every last minute until it's back to the real world!
Happy Birthday. Not a bad place to celebrate....good for you!
Yeah..Eva's hair looks rediculously cute. And the Surfing Boy Wonder..impressive!
Older, blonder, and hotter than a mofo... If I touch you, will it sizzle?
Looks like fun! And some impressive surfing by your kids! I tried it only once, in high school and nearly gave myself and five other people concussions with the board. I think they posted a warning sign with my picture after that.
Happy Birthday!
Great pictures! I love Eva's sassy new look! Your boys look like surfer pros!
Wrinkles? Where? How come your hair looks so good? Not fair! When I'm at the beach, my hair looks like wild, frizzy bedsprings.
You hate me, right? you're just showing me these pictures to spite me?
You guys are all so adorable. :)
Wish I was in Hawaii, but since it's not to be, I will add that your kids are all surf-y and stuff - WOW! I don't think I could do that at all whatsoever.
Oh, how I am homesick. Have a shave ice for me, would ya?
ooh, so jealous of those pictures - especially the one where someone claims to be 37 and looks like a mere 29 again!
Eva's 'do is adorable!
keep having fun - lovin' living vivariously!
ooooh, niiice! you look fabu, doll.
wrinkles, schminkles.
and those kids. ohhhh, yum.
(I'm going to blithely ignore the ugly jealousy that wants to be, well, jealous of your delicious vacation/photos, and instead focus on how lovely it all sounds. because it does. sound lovely.)
You look so happeeee! Happy BDay.
I am SO not checking back here for at least a week since SOMEONE is TOO busy basking in the sun AND thankgawd that picture was B&W so we couldn't see the TAN lines ;)
Wow I'm supa impressed with the surfing. Way to go. And great picture of the birthday girl. Happy Birthday!!
Happy belated birthday (geez, my bloglines wasn't updating you)! You look great! It looks like you all are having a great time.
You are so cute! The kids look like they are having a blast. What fun-- lucky
You guys look gorgeous and tan and sigh...I wish I was there and not trapped in this office.
Take a deep breath of ocean air for me.
I so want to hang on that swing and drop myself into that beautiful ocean. It looks like you are all having a blast!
Oh and Happy Birthday!
You look gorgeous. Happy vacation!
Everyone should celebrate their birthday in Hawaii. My what a beauty you are. Your family is just gorgeous.
I wish that I could surf.
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