3.0 because this is the 3rd child free vacation in 2 years that Hugh and I have taken... whoo-hoo, don't try to stop us because we are cosmopolitan and travel savvy. Also, we have cool luggage.
Ok, cool luggage is sort of a lie. We do have very nice (black... surprise!) suitcases that we couldn't use (even though Christy got us a sassy "Not Your Bag" tag in neon orange) for this trip because we forgot to take them out of the garage and, considering the garage is currently the scene of a house-murder, they are covered in quite possibly 4 inches of dust. They look like they are recent excavations and must be photographed and their placement in the garage carefully marked for future generations. Not that big of a deal except we didn't think of this little problem until 5 am the morning we were leaving for Santa Fe. The solution? We borrowed duffel bags from the kids. One was a red, nylon Nike sporty bag and the other a blue Hawaiian floral print Quicksilver. Hi. We can reach out and practically touch 40, but we still pack like teens... I guess I should just be grateful we weren't stuck with what my MIL calls an, "Alabama Suitcase", which, if I am hearing her correctly, is nothing more than a plastic grocery sack.
If you have never been to Santa Fe I suggest you take a good look at your calendar and plan yourself a little trip. I could go on and on and on about the people, the architecture, the food (OMG, the FOOD) the drinks (Black Dragon Margarita... silver tequila, Cointreau, fresh lime juice, and & a float of cassis...that's all I'm saying...) and the small random Pomeranian dog that a girl is sometimes forced to save from being run over by a large black truck by running out into the middle of traffic in a pair of high wedge sandals and skirt waving her arms frantically at the driver of said black truck while trying to stomp on the leash with said wedge sandal as 3 fat women stand by and look at you with faces set in equal parts of horror and disinterest. But, you know, you really have to go yourself. Then call me and we will gush together about the spirituality of the place, the amazing jewelry, the air so clean that it smells like nothing and what a gift it is to be able to visit a place that, when you are quiet and listen, you can hear the peace.
Also, I would encourage you to stop reading this blog now and go and open the Yellow Pages and look up, "Thai Massage". I would then call and book one for later on today... you will be glad you did.
I'll wait.
Ok, call me and we'll also talk about how decadent and amazing it feels to have someone manhandle and tweak your body into long and lovely stretches. A massage so fabulous it can only be described as delicious.
This holiday may have saved my sanity. Our hotel, the Inn of the Anasazi, was an ideal retreat. If you ever need a place to go and re-coup your sense of balance, forget about the chaos of construction, treat yourself to world class shopping (who knew Santa Fe was the place to go for all the best Japanese designers? Can you say,edgy deconstructed blouses?), and enjoy the promise of ending your day with delectable tequila based cocktails... Santa Fe, baby, Santa Fe.
AAAAaahhhh...big sigh. I love, love, love Santa Fe and Taos! You've got me longing...longing...longing...I think I'm going to go look up some real estate right now. not kidding. we want OUT of here. - too crowded and LA is seeping up.
I'm thrilled that you had such a great time. And Happy Belated Momma's Day!
Never been to Santa Fe.....sounds wonderful!! *Checking calendar* P.S. Happy belated Mother's day
Never been there either but it sounds yummy. Wait. The kids. Shit. Social services might come get them if we left right now. Decisions...decisions...
Did you bring us anything back???
You were the crazy chick with the big hair in the middle of traffic trying to get that little dog? Ha. I knew it was you.
I lived in New Mexico for a little while. Loved it because it was so cheap to live...and I love Santa Fe. It's beautiful.
Where do you get one of those "not your bag" tags. Gotta have a couple!
Cool picture, too.
That sounds wonderful! Glad you were able to rejuvenate. It's so important!
If we can't get to Mexico this fall, maybe we'll have to add Santa Fe to our list. Thanks!
Tell the men to go GPS! Go GPS!
ps Where is my t-shirt? :)
I will ask my girlfriend where she bought the luggage tags... they are very cute!
Oooooooh, I'm thinkin' Santa Fe! We've never been, so if we go, I may have to call ya!
Please tell me you saved the little doggie?! You did, right?!
oh & t-shirts are um... in the mail?
AWESOME!!! i love the 2 map pictures! lol.. glad you're home!
I went to Santa Fe once in high school. Our darn chaperones were not big on the tequilla side of things, but otherwise, it was a pretty fun time.
Your trip sounds great, and I'd love to go back now on a no-kid vacation! Too bad my not-playing-with-a-full-deck mother in law lives there. I wonder if we could go without her knowing!
Lucky you! Santa Fe sounds like a dream.
Thank you - I am more relaxed from having just read your blog!!! Glad you all had a great time, men sure are funny about directions, aren't they? Oh well, just staring out the backseat window sans kiddie sunshade would've been enough to put me into bliss! Glad you're back!
Santa Fe, my favorite city. I'm glad you enjoyed it. How nice to get away without the children. I really need to do that, soon.
Glad you didn't kill the doggie.
Awwww! Goliath is cuuuuute!
You're my hero, thanks for saving him! Who does he belong to?
I'm so glad you saved the dog! Santa Fe sounds wonderful!
Goliath actually belonged to the owners of a posh jewelry store and he had escaped due to the slacker dog-sitting duties of the owners' sons.
I was secretly hoping they would bestow a giant diamond upon me for my heroic gestures, but alas, the mom was too busy tearing her kids a new one over their irresponsibilty!
Alabama suitcase. heeheee. LOVE that! That made me laugh out loud.
Thanks for the visit. I'm digging your site! And now I really, really, really am feeling a need to visit Santa Fe.
We are coming next time - then the three dorks can get us lost and we can admire the view. As you know - we were glamerous trailer folks on the weekend....
Can't beat windown screens with 30 years of dust on them....
Better than a massage anyday...
Glad you are back...
Missed you.
That sounds wonderful! I couldn't be more jealous and now I am dying to go to Sante Fe thanks to your ringing endorsement. But first .. must book thai massage :)
Ok, ok...you saved the dog, but how are your beautiful wedge shoes from running pell mell into the mid of the street??? They are safe and alive, too, right? Right????
You make me want to go to Santa Fe-- and get that massage.
Isn't it great to get away from the kids and listen to something other than the delightful sounds of motherhood? I love being a mom, but I'd chop off my right foot some days to escape "Mo-o - om, Nikki--" and "She bonked me" and "That's mine, give it back. GIve it back. MOOOOOM!"
Isn't it nice to get away?
sounds fabulous. glad you had a good time
Sounds like you had a wonderful time!
This fall we will be getting away for a weekend I think and I can't WAIT!
PS. I tried to send you an e-mail with the post snip, but it got sent back to me. :(
Sounds like an awesome vacation! Welcome to the Blogging Chicks!
TTFN~Pamela Lynn
by the way, recounting you saving the dog?? too funny...certainly glad that you saved it, but you had me cracking up.
Sounds great, really great. Glad you had fun!
I wanna go to Santa Fe! Tell ya what, Kris...let's go back in time, you blog about this past week's horrific American Idol debacle, and I'll go dog-saving in Santa Fe. Deal?
Welcome back mama!
Well it's my first time here you got great adventures. How did you get to my blog?
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