We're smoking bubble gum ciggies...
...all so we don't have to pay attention to the RAT HOLE that is currently known as "home". There are trenches everywhere. The baby can't nap for the all the jackhammering... and with the power and the water in a constant state of flux... it is pretty much all dust all the time.
Do you think there is anything wrong with this pipe? Hmmm... possibly the hole? Or, perhaps the fucking tree roots? Listen, if our neighbor's tree suddenly dies from, oh, let's say, maybe copper nails finding their way into it's trunk, well, I was with YOU that night! OK?

Eva looks adorable, Jake looks like he could earn his way through college and Jack looks a little too natural with that cigarette.
Not bad habits, good habits! There's no bad time for uggs, Mai Tais, and the way Jack is puffing on that fag (That's what they used to call them in Australia - now they're called fads) you would swear he was a natural!
Thanks for visiting my blog, yours is fantastic!
Yup, you were with me ALL NIGHT!
Got it! *grin*
Well, at least you are all finding *cough* healthy outlets for your stress and frustration. Jake can come to my house any old time, I LOVE Mai tais. I love babies in uggs so I will take Eva too. Sadly, I am allergic to cig smoke so Jack will have to leave his smokes outside. :)
oops! i was trying to "cut and paste" to a hysterical email i got... didn't work and i look like a goofball talking to myself!!!
Ha Ha, waiting for you to catch that ! I was wondering what the hell you were doing as I thought, "some of the words from the deleted post are from my email to you!" I wanted to "bust" you for the bubble gum cigarettes, LOL!
Oh well, next time, I will just comment.
The kids look so cute, you should bring them for a visit!!
lmfoa- fuck the hole.. these kid pics are cracking me up!
Great kid pics! I remember those candy cigarettes from my childhood!!
Construction does suck. We had a huge 2 story garage addiiton put on the house. Only after they all go away do you finally see the value.
those uggs on your little girl are so damn cute! and the other two - pretty damn funny...Where'd they learn that behavior, huh? Now, what did I do with that phone # for children services? it's gotta be under these vodka bottles somewhere! DAMN IT!
How cute are those photos!?
I shuddered when I saw your pipe with the tree root hole. In December we had a neighbours tree root wreck our pipe and $10,000 later we had working plumbing again. I am still not over it. Damn those neighbours and their big trees...
My cousin and his wife and kids moved out of their house for two years while they had it renovated. It will be worth it in the end.
I actually saw the same look that Eva is wearing on one of my high school students just the other day. The skirt had a little bit less puff but basically the same look. She looks so aodrable.
I wish you well on the plumbing issue.
I've got your back with the tree thingy... As for the kids.... Make sure the junior bartender mixes the Mai Tais right!!! You can never start a good bartender TOO YOUNG!!!! EVA.... too cute for words!!!! Cigs... well at least Jack is cute!!!
hey, I didn't know that gum was still around. It's horrible but still kinda so cool, unfortunately
I think Vogue magazine should be calling Eva up any time now. She's the new trend-setter.
i know, that cigarette/gum photo is a little freaky... neither hugh nor i smoke, so it is odd that jack looks so "natural".
the good news is my kids are obnoxious anti-smokers (as, thankfully, most children today seem to be)...
they are rarely allowed gum, so that was truly the bigger treat!
Did you just start this regimen? You really should have been doing all of this from birth with the kiddos. Especially the mai tais. Looks like you'll have some catching up to do!
Love the boots. My daughter is totaly obsessed with a pair of rubber rain boots that have cherries all over them! I can't tell you how many times she pairs them with an outfit I've picked out and they soooo don't match.
You've got bigger fish to fry . . . like the smoking (just kiddin' boys will be boys :) )
Ha ha! What a mess! Love the uggs pic. So cute.
How did you teach those adorable children to make you Mai Tai's?! I need to start teaching my daughter how to do that now.
That's sucks about the pipe, but the cuteness of your children makes up for it. Right? :)
Ha my babe in uggs and a tutu...
Love the tree root. Remember we are the wrong ones to talk to about pipe/root issues. Our pipe was a root!
The boys thankfully know their adult selves already...
Jake the host and Jack the pot growing surfer!
I have to admit, I don't get the pay it forward link. I mean, i know what that means, and I saw the movie, but I don't get the link to the bank website...sorry, a little slow here!
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