Wednesday, December 14, 2005

and the blog goes on...

Ok, friend Jen (of "you must post" fame) has joined me on my quest to share my life with the world via blog-land... her blog, Crounching Mother Hidden Diva, is a must... plus, the title kicks ass! She has decided to be slow in revealing her personal details, however, for a margarita, I can be persuaded to sell her out.

In other news... check out the truly gross photo of Eva and her first bloody nose. I am sure it doesn't speak well of me that, once I realized that this was in fact merely a bloody nose and NOT an ER run, that I hollered for Jake to, "hurry up and bring the camera!", but, I am currently really into documenting things. ;-) If you all are really sweet I can also post snaps of Jake's broken arm... I think the look on her face speaks volumes about her opinion of me and my camera.

In deference to my adorable daughter, I have also posted a photo of her looking super cute...


M3 said...

OK, the bloody nose picture is pretty gross, but it did make me laugh that you immediately thought of your blog when you saw it!


Eileen said...

Eww! I thought that was strawberry jelly or something. :-)

Anonymous said...

excellent photo! cute kids!

Anonymous said...

So in typical cliff hange style...Lade E., could you please tell us how Diva Eva got the bloody nose?

Must know!

Anonymous said...

So in typical cliffhanger style...Lade E., could you please tell us how Diva Eva got the bloody nose?

Must know!

Kristin said...


The Jun-bug awoke with a bloody nose... no particular reason was found but I have a sneaky feeling that perhaps the little princess was picking her tiny nose!!
