I took this little quiz today and hello, my Disney alter ego is Cruella De Ville (tied at 69% with The Beast).
I suppose it's because I answered, "yes" to the "Are you evil?" question.
In other news, I am Beautiful will be winging it's way to Marisa... Marisa, get a blog so we can all read your opinion of the book!
Also, email me with your address.
I'm Goofy.
Oh when is the next prize?
I got Sleeping Beauty, which is so sad and untrue.
WTF? I am 88% Cinderella vs. 69% Peter Pan! And I so want to be evil!
Sorry, but I am tagging you. Feel free to ignore it (since you're evil and all). I didn't, which is probably why I got Cinderella.
Here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 4 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Kim - I love a good tag once in awhile! :-)
Sarah - Goofy was 3rd for me... after all the villains!
Phoenix - Hmmm... Sleeping Beauty doesn't sound bad! She was a victim of circumstance!
Surprise! I'm the beast at 69%! Runners-up Cinderella & Cruella tied at 56%.
Pretty acurate.
I won! Hooray for me and what makes you think I don't have a blog ;-p ???
Marisa (Marisa with the anonymous blog)
Oy! Love this. I am Peter Pan, which I think means I cheated.
Well crap! I was sure I'd win that book! :)
Okay so I get to be Ariel (with runners up as Peter Pan and Cillerinda). I guess that makes me a bit mischievious and a bit of a rebel. :)
What are you guys doing tomorrow night?
Fellow Cruella here...tough broads aren't so bad. Let's just pretend she wasn't a dog killer.
i got goofy...didn't want goofy but i got goofy. Second was Donald.
Sad but true.
Princess Aurora. Bah humbug
I would guess that I'd be Goofy ... He is, after all, my favorite Disney Character, and I can't get enough of the Sports Goofy cartoons.
I'm donald duck 100%.... Yikes
Thank you for your friend's blog info. I find it very helpingful and interesting - all the best, Tara
I am Goofy -not surprised, especially since I am taking the quiz in Key west
Well, I got Goofy - tied with Peter Pan. Dude, they aren't even girls.
I was the beast. I almost took the quiz again just to see if I could improve. But then I realized that I probably wouldn't consider many of the options an improvement.
Yeah, I got Goofy and Sleeping Beauty. Not going to argue with those.
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