I asked her where her dad and brothers where and she informed that they wouldn't sit still so she could draw them.
You snooze you lose.
I want to take a quick moment to address a recent email from, oh, let's just call her "X". X writes: I am curious about the lack of posts about your sons.
Now, I have addressed this before, but, for the record, Jake is 11 and Jack is almost 10. They are smart, polite, funny and good looking kids and while I would enjoy nothing more than posting about their antics in a pre-tween world, I respect their right to some privacy... they enjoy this blog and they like when they occasionally appear on it, but there is no way they are willing to become blog fodder.
There was some Disney Princesses On Ice action this weekend... Shelley and I took Charlotte and Eva down to the ghetto known as the San Diego Sports Arena (neatly situated between Bare Nudes and Cutie Nudies)... and other than the MEANEST MAN IN THE WORLD sitting behind us, it was pure Disney-rific.

There also may have been some hair curling this weekend...

Finally, thank you for all the Chicago restaurant and shopping suggestions... based on the weather, I think maybe the name of a good car service might be the most important!
Lovin' that artistry in the profile photo...you hot babe!
Damn, I thought I had the meanest man in the world here...maybe you should have given your mean one a pass to 'cute nudies' Perhaps he found himself in the wrong place and was disgruntled with Disney?
I'm coining it "The Smackdown at SDSA."
You handled "Das Grumpa" beautifully - Notice he said not another word to either of us the rest of the show.
Tell Eva I LOVE her pic and was wondering if the girls and I could sit for her. :)
You have such a beautiful daughter!!
And also, great profile pic. :)
I think kids are much more interesting when they are younger anyway... 10 and older and they don't change as visibly and as quickly. The whole privacy thing is important too, I'd venture! :)
Oh and love the "pensive Eva" curly look. Was this done at the salon?
Connie - my grumpy man was about 100... could they be related?
Shell - Yes, Svetlana asked Eva, "You want curly hair like Mama?"... seriously, the child spent the entire night tossing her locks around...
Amy - Well, young kids are definitely easier than the 10+ crowd... that age brings with it new interesting moments like: sex & drug conversations! EEK!
That's a cute drawing, but I would rather see a photo of you!
Eva looks so grown up! She is going to be a beautiful woman.
omg what fantastic pics of her! she's so beautfil
Hair curling and Princesses on Ice? What more could a girl want?
And I totally get you on the boy thing. I try to run it past mine beforehand and believe me, there are so many, many things that I'd love to share but don't because I respect them too much! You know what I mean.
Oh, that was you guys in front of me? I'm so embarassed.
Hey, why don't you ever write about your sons?
That is a great pic! Can I commission a portrait of myself?
Anon - Well thanks, I think... I am working on it.
Marisa - Thanks, I think so too!
Becky - We could run a Mutual Admiration Society for each other's daughters!
Carrie - I tell you ... Katie needs to come for a visit.
Joe - Eva accepts stickers, glitter and all things sparkly as payment.
I can't view the actual photo's at work... but I love the artwork. Eva you are awesome. I'm glad you and the dog were able to sit still for the artwork, it's fantastic.
Can't wait to get home and check the curly q's....
So your advice is to stay out of the ghetto part of San Diego... and head for the La Jolla part. Sounds like great advice
The picture of Eva and her friend is so sweet! They are the prettiest Belle's I've ever seen.
Ahhhh, Disney Princesses on Ice. What could be better for little girls? The photo of the girls is seriously cute. And I love your new profile photo!
I totally hear you on the pre-teen blog fodder thing. I've gotten to where I ask Natalie permission before I post anything about her that might even be remotely embarrassing. She too enjoys my blog, though not on a regular basis, but on the occasions she looks at archives or sees something about her, I always give her "first right of deletion." The last thing I want to be is that Mom. You know, the one who humiliates her kids for sport? Knowingly or not, it just ain't cool.
Nino - that's exactly it... "that" mom! Ugh. I like the "right of first deletion" idea... will run that by the tweens at breakfast!
I'm taking the nieces to Nemo on ice next month. Hopefully it will work out.
Hey, I love the new blog look by the way.
Eva has a certain Blondie Heart of Glass look on her face in that last photo....
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