Confused, after I have dressed her, as to why all her clothes match...

Jack has blossomed into a ladies man... Perhaps it is because, when asked during "polite conversation" time, what his hobbies are, he answered, "Attempting Origami." That's the secret men... women cannot resist the ancient art of paper folding.

Cotillion Barbie asked him to dance... apparently, in 3rd grade, short men have got it going on.
And Jake, my Sponge-Jake, Square-Pants child, has gone all surfer-grom on me and I am forced to try and make intelligent conversation about wave height, particular breaks, and tricks. It reminds me of dating... you know, when you pretend to be interested in what your date is saying? To be polite. No! That's a lie! I am fascinated by these conversations and YES, I do so want to watch, Riding Giants again... oh, yes I do.

Jake, with his Uncle John on the left and Hugh behind him... Dude, it was EPIC!
(Epic! Lord, help me.)
My kids are growing up. Faster than I ever thought possible. How can girls like my 8 year old? How can my first born be capable of swimming out in the ocean, and throwing his body down walls of water? How can my small daughter have an opinion on clothing? I am so proud of them and the people they are, but, selfishly, I am a little sad and when I think that Jake is going to be 10... and when I think of how fast these 10 years have flown by, and when I think that these next 10 will be just as fast, and then he'll be 20, well, it is all I can do not to take a Xanax and spend the day lying in a dark room with a cool rag on my head. And a vodka at my side.
I miss my babies.
But, when I look at them... at how confident Eva is that she is rockin' the skull shirt and tutu, how gracious and charming Jack is to all the girls at Cotillion, and how Jake's courage explodes out on the water... well, I think that watching them grow up is God's greatest gift to me.
I miss my babies.
But, when I look at them... at how confident Eva is that she is rockin' the skull shirt and tutu, how gracious and charming Jack is to all the girls at Cotillion, and how Jake's courage explodes out on the water... well, I think that watching them grow up is God's greatest gift to me.
This was great to read. I don't know how time goes by so quickly. When I was a kid I remember how slowly a Saturday could drag by. Now, a day goes by in a blink and all of a sudden I have a 5-year old Kindergartener!
You're kids are adorable. Good job, mom. They seem awesome to have awesome personalities from what you said, to boot.
Cotillion Barbie? I love that. Kristin you kill me sometimes.
Hell, I can't believe how old mine are. Shit I've even started saying Maya is almost um....five. I can't even think about her being ten, but I know it will happen faster than I would like.
I love Eva's outfits. You are a nice mommy. I don't let mine choose most days.
Man, do I remember this feeling. OH, WAIT! I still FEEL it EVERY DAY!
You are in so much trouble with me, Kristin. You made me cry. ON PURPOSE.
Here's a hug from one "omigod-my-kids-are-growing-up-without-my-permission" mom to another:
So wonderful. Thank you for sharing the pics - what amazing children you have. And, what a great Momma they've got. LOVE Ava's flirty-skirty with the flashy pumps. Cool.
Yep, kids grow up quickly! Love the pictures!
OMG- your hubby is like, totally HAWT!!
I love the skirt eva is wearing...I have some of that cherry fabirc somewhere!
Props to you for raising kids with such great personalities!
Eva is too cute! My niece is a year younger and also has definite ideas about her own fashion sense. Too bad my sister sees her as a Barbie-doll who must always be perfectly cute and matched, down to the bows in hair.
And shame on you for dragging Jack to Cotillion. It is your own fault that he's a ladies man. How could you take that adorable little guy in there with the girls? It's just cruel and unusual!
As for Jake, I guess bungee jumping is next. Or maybe jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. Maybe he'll be a Hollywood stunt man!
gosh they are so cute, i just want to pinch their cheeks! although i hated that when i was a child.
I love this post. Yeah, the time does fly by but you have some awesome memories of the little years and some whoppers coming in the 'more mature' years :0)
Those kids are gonna have some great stories to tell, break that boy from cotillion barbie though ;0)
Surfer dude and your little fashionista got it going on too!
You have a beautiful famdamily!
And men in scuba suits have taken on a whole new meaning...(:
I LOVE Eva's outfit. She is the next hot designer, just watch out.
And Hugh is getting some hotty hot points. You go you better than a kitten mom!
What a great post. And Eva is cute no matter what she wears, but really the attitude on her face when she dresses herself if priceless.
And when Cotillion Barbie asks you to dance at age 8 you are destined to be prom king for sure!
You are very blessed! And your kids are so dang cute! ;-)
Your kids ARE adorable. And I love how Eva likes her look and thinks she looks fab, darling! :)
My friend,Candace, has a 4 year-old who loves to dress herself as well. Little Miss A has decided she wants to become a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleadder judging from her outfits of choice, a pair of sparkly white "high heeled" dress shoes, a short denimn skort, and a tube top. Poor candace. She cringes every time. I just giggle, because, well, I have boys so I can laugh about stuff like that! :)
Oh yeah, and whooo hooo for your surfer men. RRRAAAWWWRRRR! :)
Life comes atcha fast...
Gaaaahhhh!!! The cuteness!!! Gaaaahhhhhh!!!!
Okay, where was I?
1)Eva is certainly rockin' that skirt ensemble.
2)Keep your little man away from Barbies, cotillion or otherwise, because there will be no stopping him once he's started.
3)Your big little man could be the next Laird whatshisname someday, it could happen.
4)And your hubby? Rwaawrr. You are one lucky woman.
Ahhh..got to love poop.
My son stripped down to his underwear the other day and pulled his penis out the side of his underwear. He said laughing, "Look mom, my penis is sticking out..."
Hopefully he'll contain that behavior in the future.
Damn. That is a sweet and funny and moving post. You hit on all cylinders once again, woman!
Your family is gorgeous!! The cuteness fairy clearly took her time at Chez Eva Las Vegas.
Cotillion Barbie?!!! Screaming with laughter over that one. Hee!
Love the whole post, by the way. The descriptions of your kids stretching and growing - beautiful. Oh, and good god you're married to Hot Hub. Yowza.
They are all so cute and adorable :)
and that Hugh is kinda cute too !
You are a great Mom.
The time is just goes to quickly, it is a gift to remember to slow down and watch it.
I think you might have the coolest family ever!
Excellent post, Kristin...and so true.
and the pics are ADORABLE!
and Hugh??? umm....hhaawwttttt.
i think that i just started perspiring.
Am I allowed to purrrrr over Uncle John?
As ususal, a terrific post.
Girlfriend, that Barbie chick is gonna be trouble. Watch her.
reading this post made me feel all warm and happy inside :P
There had better be room in that dark room and plenty of vodka for me too!
I couldn't see the pics, but I know they are all handsome, cute and beautiful kids, er, babes!
Hang ten!
I love the photos! And, I know it's hard sometimes, realizing all of the sudden, "wow, my babies are growing up!" We hear it all the time, "they grow up so fast..." but it really is true. We can't stop that from happening, but it is a gift to see the wonderful people they are blossoming into.
So...feeling like maybe, oh I dunno...putting another dossier together?? Hmmmmm? ;)
Time in a bottle. That would be a wonderful thing. I look at pictures of my kids and I want to go back to that point in time and just stare at them. They are the most beautiful things I have ever made.
It sounds like Eva and Elle both have 'fashion' issues. Me: "Wouldn't this be cute?" Elle: "NO!"
Amazing how fast it goes, but inspiring for those of us at the "barely just thinkin' 'bout kids stage."
There's hope if they turn out that awesome!
That second picture of Eva? She's gorgeous! My god, that little smirk and those big eyes and her spunky pose. I love it.
And "attempting origami"? That is unbelievable - except that I do believe it, and would like to speak to you about arranging marriages between your boys and my girls.
Your kids are to die for CUTE!!! Great post and a nice reminder to me to enjoy the moment because nothing stays the same. This just might help me ENJOY the wait until my referral for Tate!!!
Checked back and magically, I can see the photos now!
Have to say that Eva is more than cute, adorable and full of 'tude! I love her outfits too (both of them).
That dance pic is so grown-up looking, hard to believe it's 3rd grade, but he's definitely rockin' it!
And those surfer dudes of yours are gnarly!
That's beautiful. And making me sad, too. My oldest is 10 and almost as tall as me. Soon I'll have to stand on a chair to enforce bedtime.
And, 'attempting Origami.' Oh, he's smooth alright.
Your children are beautiful. Awww. You are such a wonderful mommy. And you crack me up too!
I lost track of all the things I laughed at here but Cotillion Barbie was totally the cherry on top.
Any women who can make fun of a 3rd grader is okay in my book.
Eva did have quite the look on her face after she dressed herself......I think she is going to be starting her own trends. She looked soooooo confident that I think I'd even put the combo together now! =)
I love her outfit! Man, the stuff my mom used to let me go out in- lol. I was strange.
Leah's new clothing thing is to refuse to wear a shirt to bed. I have no idea.
Awesome post and you got me laughing and giggling. Laughing at cotillion Barbie and giggling at your hottie surfer dudes.
And Miss Eva - you got trouble girl, big trouble. That smile, those cheeks, a daring fashionista - t.r.o.u.b.l.e. Good thing she has brothers!
I love the one of Eva in the skirt. LOL Too cute. They all sure have little personalities on them don't they.
Loved this blog K....
One of my greatest blessings is watching our kids grow up together....
Us watching with vodka by our sides.... them growing....
damn! I have some catching up to do.
that girl next to Jack looks like she's old enough to go to the *prom*, nevermind dance with a third grader.
I'll bet Jake looks sick on his board. (I heart surfers.)
and Eva? wow. she's just beautiful, K.
how do we survive this motherhood gig with our hearts intact? it's so damn hard.
here's a xanax and some vodka. *hug*
i loved all these pics!
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