It's really become a perfect world. Despite the wonky tile and the whole working-for-free-chump thing, and the horror generally known as my summer hair, the world has become the type of kind and generous place where you can nominate yourself and WIN awards!
I am breaking out the cava tonight people and toasting the lovely ladies from Our Smart Baby and I suggest you link on over there to not only read my Q & A, but also, nominate your own selves so that you too can get a cute button for your blog!
*** But wait, there's more!***
Apparently, I am also Mom of the Week over at the very cool Crazy Hip Blog Mamas... and I didn't even nominate myself for this award so I am feeling pretty damn big in my britches and not just because they have an elastic waist. Thank you for the votes people, it is your fault that I am planning on becoming impossible to live with.

Sheesh, lookit you all in the popular crowd and stuff. Sheesh!!
Congrats on both accounts!
I wanna be you when I grow up!
Congratulations on both! That's terrific!
Yippee! A deserved honor indeed. Or is that honors? Okay, both deserved. Congratulations!
How cool are you? Apparently, the coolest bloggin' mom in town! Good for you. It's nice to see somebody win something when I totallly agree that it is well deserved.
Cangratulations... Well deserved, I would say...
A nice notch in your ole cap before heading off to Hawaii...
Great pic of you and Eva...
YOU Go GIRL!! Congrats on both dishes. Way to go. Pretty cool...so can I be Mom of the week if I don't have my baby yet...oh well maybe next year.
Now you get to celebrate extra when your sunning in the beautiful Hawaii!!
Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing you in action in a little over a month!
Congrats and Enjoy!
Woo hoo! Congrats to you!
Congradulations. Can I say, I knew you when?
Wow! I knew there was a site I hadn't haunted today (CHBM) - congratulations!!!!!
Hey, congratulations! That is too cool!
How cool! Well you certainly are the cool girl on the Net-- can I come sit at your table?
Good for you!!!:)
I didn't know about these! I totally would have voted for you. But you did it without me!:) congrats!
Kristin - you so deserve it. You're cool like that.
Again, would you like to trade lives for a week or two?
Awwww thats fantastic!! You really are that good ... seeeee :)
Congrats. You so deserve it. Now can we get that "summer hair" head of yours out the door? I'm guessing your hair is just curls gone wild. Same here.....
By the way I loved your post about loving your children so much it makes you want to cry. Great picture of Eva.
yay youre the mom of the week! sweet!
Congrats! You are too cool for school my friend.
Congratulations on both accounts!
You look gorgeous in the photo on the Top Toddler site and your daughter's sunglasses are too cute!
Wow, wonderful things can happen even when you're suffering from summer hair?! You are an inspiration to us all. Now we all can dream ....
BTW, later on you can tell your child you were once Mom of the Week. That should be worth something, at some point.
CONGRATS, Kristin! You're so deserving! Way to go!
Right. The. Hell. On.
Holy cow! Congratulations, what great news.
both awards are totally deserved!
YEAH!!! Congratulations. I love when my blog friends win. :)
great interview over at the topblog site, btw. that baby is so BLINDINGLY cute, she oughtta be banned. Banned, I tell you. :p
You are sooooo cute!!! Love what you say about Eva!!!
Congratulations on your winning ways!
I think you are great! You are one of the reasons I even have a blog. Thanks!
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