
Mind reading...

Coping with the nanny error of liquid dishsoap in the dishwasher... we felt festive and right out of a cheesy sitcom. Perhaps an episode where the goofy dad tries to "help out" around the house... you know the episodes that generally involve iron burns on the best shirt and the kid taking milk to school in a mayo jar...

Avoiding potential disaster...
Eva says: kids, when mom is too damn busy on the phone, blogging, paying attention to your siblings, or mopping up the soap suds, what you want to do is gather all your plastic cutlery, pop it in a Ziploc and pop that into the microwave. Run as loud voices will follow.

I like the "mind reading" photo. Also, was it very difficult to clean up the dishsoap? I have heard that it is hard to rinse away.
Ha ha, did that once when we ran out of dishwashing soap...not good! How old is Eva? We have got to start on the potty training thing, she is read, but I am lazy...
Hey! I'll have you know that my iron-burned shirts are totally fashionable (just as long as I tell everybody that Tommy Hilfiger designs them that way now.)
I like the old look better.
It is only your public school children who have lice in this neighborhood... I pay tens of thousands of dollars to ensure that Jake's overgrown locks stay pure!
HA HA - just wait, today will be the day the slip comes home from school with the announcement: an outbreak of lice has been reported...
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