Nothing is too high for me! I am as sure footed as a mountain goat. Other places you might find me: the kitchen counter, the kitchen sink, or perhaps, the top bunk in my brothers' room.

I am dressing myself these days... have you noticed my Boden skirt? You probably have because I wear it every single day... some days, I even wear it with my brother's flip flops.

Here I am all fancy to go and visit my new cousin Sydney. So far, Syd is Ok, and, as I am wearing my plastic Disney Princess high heels, I think she will realize that I am not a girl to be trifled with.

Good morning! I hope you have your helmet on...

How much glitter do you put on your Cheerios? I like a lot, but my mother seems to think this is a bad idea... this is why I am now referring to her as, "Mommy No Fun".

Oh Kristin;
It does my bitchy, cranky-ass heart some good to see Eva's pictures! Thanks so much!
What a beauty....
love the bracelets, from China?
Is she wearing a Social Distortion t-shirt? LOL!
So cute! Glitter cherrios look like fun, mommy.
Hi Holly,
The bracelets are from all over... she has gone through 5 jade bracelets (obviously it takes me some time to clue in)... they just break too easily on a wild 2 year old.
She has a silver one with bells from China and the rest have been presents... one is a Hawaiian bracelet, one is an ID, one has a cross charm, one is a just a bangle and the orange one is mine... just cinched to the smallest hole!
The Diva LOVES her bling.
Too too cute
That Diva...
How much fun did you think you were going to have dressing her - your first girl! This might partly explain the wardrobe full of fabulously overpriced garments the Deeve has acquired... How wrong however is she proving your smocked dress fantasy now...
Tee hee. You see, no matter how much of a Diva momma is... she has you beat 100 times over... and she will wear whatEVER she wants...
Love those girls....
You should tell Hugh-create a nest egg, portfolio and college fund Fast, that you are saving a lot of dollar on her insistence on wearing the same three things...
And of course, there's no need to tell him that she'll more than make up for it in her teenage years when to wear something like more than like twice like dying a slow death through torture... especially if that item is like... not designer!
I say this since my ten year old has a REAL Coach bag (given to her by some lavish aunty!!!!) whilst I have the fake on from the street market in New York!
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